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Orcs are a green, brutish and savage race. They don't like humans and their architecture resembles primitive houses.

Game Description "Orcs are green and brutish creatures. Don't like humans"

Simple Characteristics[]

Orcs being one of the four intelligent races that are currently in the game are more complex than most creatures. They can have many different behaviors and abilities based on what situation they end up in. Orcs and humans hate each other. Orcs and dwarves hate each other. Orcs and elves hate each other.

Orcs will wander around by themselves until they are able to start their own kingdom or join one that already exists.

The natural traits of orcs are quite diverse, this is because orcs have certain chances of having certain traits when they are born or spawned. Most orcs will usually only have their natural traits when a civilization of them has just started to build up. As orcs reproduce, babies have a random chance of gaining new traits or inheriting traits from their parent. Some traits can be obtained as a orc goes through life, such as the crippled and wise traits.

Signature Traits[]

  • Nightchild Nightchild
  • IconRegeneration Regeneration
  • IconSavage Savage

Baby Orc Traits[]

  • IconPeaceful Peaceful
  • Speed = 10

If orcs receive the infected trait and die they will turn into a zombie orc.

Complex/Civilized Characteristics[]

Once orcs become part of a kingdom they will take a job and start working for their kingdom. For more about jobs for all intelligent races see the jobs page.

If you spawn a orc they will usually start their own kingdom and eventually start their own clan. Clans are used to determine who will get certain leadership positions in a kingdom. For more info on clans for all intelligent races see the clans page.

Orcs will also form their own culture in newly founded kingdoms that don't come about from rebellions. Cultures represent the knowledge of kingdoms and villages. For more on cultures for all intelligent races see the culture development page.

For even more info about orcs and other intelligent races see these pages:[]

  • Alliances (Orc kingdoms will form alliances with kingdoms of any race)
  • Buildings (Orcs have unique building textures compared to other intelligent races)
  • Food (Orcs have a couple unique food recipes that other intelligent races can't make)

Preferred Weapons[]

  • Stick = 5
  • Axe = 10
  • Spear = 3
  • Bow = 5

Preferred Foods[]

  • Candy = 1
  • Berries = 2
  • Bread = 5
  • Fish = 5
  • Meat = 10
  • Sushi = 2
  • Cider = 1
  • Ale = 5
  • Burger = 5
  • Pie = 1
  • Tea = 10

Name Generation[]

IconOrcs scaled 10xOrc
Vowels a e o
Consonants d g k n p r t z
Parts igh ord uz duz rid ogh agh okh uh dzz ez az oz top urg
Addition Start Bloody Axe of The Blood of Bad Strong Tall Red Green
Addition End Fighters Gang Band of Death Axes Brothers Warriors Boyz Horde

Orc Variants[]


Orc Kingdom Banners and Icons[]


Stat Meanings and Info[]

Base refers to what the stats are before traits or age (starts at 18) affect them.

Base Stats[]

Stat Meaning
Armor reduces the damage dealt by enemies
Health health of a creature
Attack Damage damage the creature does upon attacking another creature
Speed movement speed of creature
Attack Speed how fast the creature attacks
Attack Speed how fast the creature attacks
Sight the range of which the creature sees objects or enemies

Other/More Base Stats[]

Stat Meaning
Maximum Age when a unit begins to have a chance of dying each year. The chance of death grow as the unit ages. Units with the Immortal trait don't have to worry about aging.
Base Diplomacy affects what happens between kingdoms (a king with high diplomacy is less likely to make enemies or have revolts)
Base Warfare the higher the stat, the more warriors they can have without penalties (used by leaders/kings)
Base Stewardship the higher the stat, the more villages there can be in the kingdom without penalties. Also affects taxes and how many goods are produced in villages (used by leaders/kings)
Base Intelligence the higher the stat the faster their culture will level up
Base Dodge how often the unit dodges attacks
Base Accuracy how often the unit will land attacks
Attack Knockback how far the creature knocks others back when it hits them
Sight how far away the unit can notice other creatures

To learn more about what each stat means see the Unit Stats page.

All races have 3 stats called, diplomacy, warfare and stewardship. When spawned by the player each race will get 6 "stat points" which will "randomly" assign themselves to one of these 3 stats.

Orcs seem to favor a majority warfare (heavily) or stewardship stat setup.



  • Orcs' maximum age decrease from 60 to 50.


  • Orcs now have savage trait, which adds a chance to get bones and leather resources from killing any creature.
  • Orcs no longer aggressive to neutral animals.


  • Orc zombies added


  • Orcs base damage increase from 10-18 to 10-20. Health increase from 150 to 170.
  • Orcs have multiple skin colors.


  • They are the strongest among all the races in the game (in damage and other stats).
  • They are hated and hate almost all living creatures, even friendly creatures.
Race IconHumans scaled 10xHumanIconElves scaled 10xElfIconDwarf scaled 10xDwarfIconOrcs scaled 10xOrc
Boss IconCrabzilla scaled 10xCrabzilla
Spawner IconBiomass scaled 10xBiomassIconCybercore scaled 10xCybercoreIconSuperPumpkin scaled 10xSuper PumpkinIconTumor scaled 10xTumor
Minion BioblobiconBioblobAssimilatoriconAssimilatorLilpumpkiniconLil' PumpkinTumormonstericonTumor Monster
Humanoid IconBandit scaled 10xBanditsIconWalker scaled 10xCold OnesIconDemon scaled 10xDemonsIconDruid scaled 10xDruidIconEvilMage scaled 10xEvil MageIconNecromancer scaled 10xNecromancerIconPlagueDoctor scaled 10xPlague DoctorIconSkeleton10xSkeletonIconSnowMan scaled 10xSnowmanIconWhiteMage scaled 10xWhite MageIconZombie scaled 10x Zombies
Special IconDragon scaled 10xDragonsIconSanta10Robot SantaIconUfo scaled 10xUFO
Non-Spawnable Blob10xAcid BlobAlienAlienCandyman10xCandy ManCandybear10xCandy BearCrystalgolem10xCrystal GolemCrystasword10xCrystal SwordFire10xFire ElementalsFireskull10xFire SkullGhost10xGhostsGreg10xGregSkull10xJumpy SkullLemonpeopleLemonsIconMushSpores 10xMush
Living Ones IconLivingHouse scaled 10xLiving HouseIconLivingPlants scaled 10xLiving Plant
Terraformers IconGodFinger scaled 10xGod FingerIconGreygoo scaled 10xGrey GooIconSandSpider scaled 10xSand SpiderIconWorm scaled 10xWormIconAntBlue scaled 10xLangton AntsIconConwayLife scaled 10x (Pink)Conways
Herbivores IconSheep scaled 10xSheepIconBuffalo scaled 10xBuffaloIconChicken scaled 10xChickenIconCow scaled 10xCowIconRabbit scaled 10xRabbitIconRhino scaled 10xRhino
Predatory IconBear scaled 10xBearIconCat scaled 10xCatIconCrocodile scaled 10xCrocodileIconDog scaled 10xDogIconFox scaled 10xFoxIconFrog scaled 10xFrogIconHyena scaled 10xHyenaIconMonkey scaled 10xMonkeyIconRatKing scaled 10xRat KingIconRat scaled 10xRatSnakesSnakeIconWolf scaled 10xWolf
Fish-eaters IconTurtle scaled 10xTurtleIconCrab scaled 10xCrabIconFairy scaled 10xFairyIconPenguin scaled 10xPenguinIconPiranha scaled 10xPiranha
Insects IconBeehive scaled 10xBeeIconBeetle scaled 10xBeetleIconButterfly scaled 10xButterflyIconFly scaled 10xFlyIconGrasshopper scaled 10xGrasshopper
Other IconBoat 10xBoatIconTornado10xTornadoIconTutorialBear scaled 10xTutorial Bear
Unused Bird10xBird • DebugDebug • Frogmonster10xFrog Monster • Lion10xLion • NinjaTurtleNinja Turtle • Riverturtle10xRiver Turtle • Rooster10xRooster • Scorpion10xScorpion • Sheepnaut10xSheepnaut • Vulture10xVulture