Many citizens in civilizations will have their own jobs to work in/for their kingdom. They serve purpose to help expand culture and their home kingdom. A unit's job determines most of a unit's behaviour tasks.
Civilizations will have jobs in a village, they will help expand and maintain their kingdom in various ways. Using the Debug Menu, you can have the game show these citizen jobs using certain job icons above units. What this means is that it marks certain units with an icon to show what job they currently do is. Units can switch/leave jobs depending on if they are needed or not.
The most important job of all is to rule over all. The first king will be chosen based on random chance. Once a king has been chosen, the children of that king will rule once they die. Any person or creatures who kill the king will be rewarded the kingslayer trait. Kings can have basic jobs (not farming, mining and settling)
Leaders govern over villages. They will have a silver crown instead of a golden one. When a king dies leaders will usually replace them. When a leader dies, a heir of the deceased leader is picked to be the new one. Leaders can have basic jobs (not farming, mining and settling)
General (Warrior)
Also known as captains or bannerman, warriors of their army will follow them wherever they go. They will intentional move slower to allow their army to catch up. If a general dies, the warrior closest to their last position will be chosen to be the next. Leaders and Kings, in rare cases, can be a general.
Basic Jobs[]
They are equipped with items created by blacksmiths to help fight in war. If a warriors home village is taken they will be fired. Warriors will serve in army groups led by generals. If a villager becomes an attacker and the village army is currently attacking an enemy the new attacker will stay and defend the village. Will not be hired unless the village has more than 15 adult population, a blacksmith, and more than 10 gold.
They are the ones who use materials stored within their village to create weapons, armor, tools, and other items. A village will try to hire a blacksmith once it reaches a population of 15 and has the weapon production knowledge (as of 0.5.167)
This job is one of the most important for infrastructure and developing villages. The builder will build many different types of buildings which require various materials
Once a village is established, they will eventually create a windmill (knowledge needed) surrounded with field tiles. Once the crops are fully grown, farmers will harvest the wheat farm and plant seeds again. Farms can be retaken by other or same civilizations during war
The hunter's job is to attack creatures for their meat, they are responsible for feeding their village and preventing starvation. Hunters will also gather worms (not the creature)
They will continuously work in a mine for days. They bring up plenty of resources for the village to upgrade their houses. They bring up resources like gold, iron, stone, etc
Miner Deposit
These units will mine ores that come from mines or randomly spawn ("Minerals" world law)
Road Builder
They will build roads once a civilization has unlocked the roads knowledge
Also known as colonists, settlers are sent out to create new villages for a kingdom. They're typically sent out as a team, and may travel overseas by boats (usually transport boats) to visit new lands. A village cannot hire settlers until a town hall has been made. Will not be hired unless the village has more than 30 population
The fisherman job is to fish but only if there's a dock and a fishing boat build. The boat occupied by the fisherman will move aimlessly until there are fish nearby. Then, a splash effect would appear on the water when a fish is being caught. This job will end when the dock or boat has been destroyed
Extension of attacker job. Gives Attacker defensive objectives
Non-Intelligent Unit Jobs[]
Most of these jobs are used for units that have unique movement patterns/behaviors. If a unit jobs purpose is descried as just "Is a X" then this is because of the previously mentioned "unique movement patterns/behaviors".
Is a rat or a creature that has a rat trait (confirm trait part)